
Welcome to my blog, where adults and children can share in learning and enjoyment!

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Saturday, June 19, 2010


Truth was, she was getting fatter by the day. Most days she had been glued to the TV, obsessed with watching the tennis championships.

Now Spring was upon them and she realised that none of her summer clothes fitted her anymore! It was the first time she had ever felt this negative about her body. In stead of acknowledging how blessed she was with the voice of an angel, she rejected herself outright on the basis of being 5kg heavier than what she wanted to be.

She looked at her body in the mirror and thoughts of self-loathing and disgust at her recent gluttonous habits filled her mind.

Suddenly her little toypom appeared in the room, barking excitedly at the prospect of being taken for a walk. He licked her bare toes and danced on his hind legs.

She instantly pushed away her depressing thoughts and smiled at him. “How come you always love me?” she asked and gently stroked the dog’s head.

“Because love means accepting myself as I am”, her Inner Voice replied.

She clipped the dog’s lead onto his collar. “Yes,” she thought, “I do love myself. I have just not been caring for my body as well as I should, and I have fallen into bad habits. I’ll think positively from now on and accept that even with the best of intentions, staying in shape at my age takes a little more effort than before!”

2010 Copyright © Susan Bellingan Fourie
Acknowledgements: blazelightaround.co.uk, picturesof.net, petsplace, best-of-web, shutterstock

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